Our mission statEment

We are a multi-generational group of Christ-followers who are excited about what Jesus Christ is doing in our lives, in our world and in our church! 

All are welcome and invited into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

We affirm that by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit....

       We are a community of God's people, 

       claimed through the waters of baptism, 

       united at Christ's table of remembrance, 

       and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry the Good News of

           Jesus Christ into the world. 

As people in God's community, we seek to be obedient in service and

     responsive to God's call

Therefore, we will work to bring about a world reconciled to God, 

     where cries of need are answered with Compassion, 

     hatred is overcome by Love,

     wrongs are overturned by Forgiveness, 

     error is surpassed by Truth, 

     despair is overwhelmed by Hope, 

     shadows are overpowered by the Light, 

     and where sadness is transformed into Joy. 

We will serve as we await a new heaven and a new earth, 

     where there will be no more death or mourning, crying or pain, 

     for the old order will have passed away,   

     and through Jesus Christ everything will be made new.