Reaching out to others is the ultimate adventure in life

mission and outreach

We desire to be the hands and feet of God while serving and often stand in awe at how God works through us. Whether it is traveling across the world on a mission project, serving meals to the homeless, or simply making a quilt as an act of love, we often stand in awe to see how God is working through us. We recognize that while serving, we are also being served, that we are called to walk with one another on this journey of life.   

Below is more information about a few Outreach Programs we feel God is blessing here at Round Rock Presbyterian Church.

Here is a complete list of our Mission Opportunities with contact information.

In the fall of 2023, families and individuals in our church family were asked to use their “seed money” from RRPC to love their neighbors and share with the congregation how their money had been used.

We’re delighted to announce that the communities surrounding Round Rock have been deeply loved by our congregation!

The following report includes reports of donations to local organizations or individuals who care for God’s beloved, whether two-legged or four-legged!  Links are provided for most of the organizations if you want to learn more about their work. 

Love Your Neighbor Report

One More Can

For the Blessing Box

Please add OMC to your weekly shopping list!

Please buy only small cans and bags, not the family sizes. No glass, please. Multi packs are good if they can be separated. All food is greatly appreciated and if it doesn’t fit into the blessing box it will be donated to the Round Rock Serving Center.

Donations may be left in the red bucket outside of the west facing sanctuary building doors or in the OMC barrel in the church foyer.

Here are some idea for donations:

    Canned vegetables, fruit, beans or meats

    Bags of rice or bags of beans

    Spaghetti sauce

    Canned or dry pasta

    Mac and Cheese

    Peanut butter (small jars) and jelly


    Small cans of milk

    Cookies, Crackers, nuts or popcorn

    Coffee or tea

BLessing box

The idea behind a "Blessing Box" is simple. A Blessing Box is for people who need food and replenished by people who can share food. 

It is available 24/7 for those in need.

Join us in our effort to feed the hungry in our community by dropping off items like soups, chili, canned veggies, canned fruit, Jell-O, spaghetti, jelly, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and especially peanut butter. 

RRPC’s box is located near 1203 Cushing Drive across the street from Trinity Place Senior Apartments and just down the street from Voigt Elementary School. 

Contact Sally or Jack Fisher for more information.

Mobile loaves and fishes

On the 1st Sunday afternoon of each month, volunteers from our church family provide food for the hungry folks in our area through the Mobile Loaves and Fishes Truck Ministry. Our dream is to someday expand this outreach to additional locations and times. All ages are invited to serve with us.


Interested? Contact the RRPC MLF Coordinator.

Click here for more about Mobile Loaves and Fishes.

Ladies in Stitches

Each Monday morning, the Ladies in Stitches gather to create quilts and blankets for children in need. We pray for one another and we laugh a lot also! If you are creative, crafty or just curious, you are welcome in this group. 


Jump start your Monday mornings at 10:00 and be prepared for an explosion of creativity, fellowship and a modest amount of munching. These mornings fly by often spilling over into the afternoon, as quilted (and sometimes crocheted) items take shape to warm God's children. This laid back group welcomes everyone--anyone who quilts, or has basic sewing skills who wants to learn quilting, or any experienced crocheters or knitters interested in helping us make blankets. Creating is contagious! Just show up. They'll keep you in stitches!

For more information email Libby Barnett or call the church office.