Online Giving at RRPC

Through our online giving platform, we offer many ways to contribute to the work of Round Rock Presbyterian Church. You can donate via text, by online form or through our mobile app. These options enable you to give instantly, at home, on the go, and wherever it is convenient and important to you.

Below you will find details of the various giving methods and instructions on how to access and use them.

Giving ONline

Using any computer or online device, access our Church’s giving page at

this link.


You may give a one-time gift without completing registration or setup a recurring gift after creating a login.  Gifts may be given via Credit Card, Google Pay or bank ACH.  

There is a fund selection which will provide means to donate to the general operating fund or any special fund which is active at that time.

TExt to give

Using your smartphone, text 'GIVE' to our giving number


For recurring gifts, a one-time registration will be requested, but after that, giving again is as simple as sending a single text. 

You can also make a one-time gift without registration.

Contributions may be made with Credit Card, Google Pay or bank ACH.

GIving VIA RRPC Mobile app

Once you download the Church by Ministry Brands application (see details below), you can access to the giving page plus many other kinds of information from our Church – our Church calendar, past sermons, and alerts to upcoming events.   

  • To download the Church application, search for Church by Ministry Brands in your App or Play Store, 
  • download it
  • once in the application, search for Round Rock Presbyterian Church or enter our zip code - 78681 - to access RRPC's specific information.
  • Enjoy access to the church calendar, events, sermon archive and online giving.